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The article has entered into a scientific debate with the opinions of legal scholars who comment on the operational-search description of corrupt crimes, developing an author's definition of the operational-search descriptive concept of Corrupt Crimes.

Ключевые слова

corruption, prompt-search description, crime detection, crime exposure, power, tool.


Библиографические ссылки

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  2. Explanatory Dictionary of the Uzbek language: more than 80,000 words and vocabulary. J. II. K-Ordinal / editorial board: t.Mirzaev (leader) and others. Own. Res. FA language and literature in-TI. - T.: State Scientific Publishing House" National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan", 2006. - B.409.
  3. Grebelsky D.V. O sotnoshenii kriminalisticheskix I operativno-rozisknix characteristic prestupleniy // kriminalisticheskaya characteristic prestupleniy. - M.,1984. - S.73-77.
  4. Kuznesov E.V., Tshetinin A.S. Operativno-rozisknaya characteristic subject I sposobov soversheniya vzyatochnichestva / / Criminalistics: vchera, Segodnya, zavtra. 2018. №3 (7). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/operativno-rozysknaya-harakteristika-predmeta-i-sposobov-soversheniya-vzyatochnichestva (data obratsheniya: 19.01.2025).
  5. Danko V.A. Operativno-rozisknaya characteristic vzyatochnichestva / / Evraziyskaya advokatura. 2022. №1 (56). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru / article/ n / operativno-rozysknaya-haracteristics-vzyatochnichestva (data obratsheniya: 20.01.2025).