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An important factor determining the market dynamics of grains and legumes is the state of the global market, particularly the changes in supply and demand for key legumes and their processed products. In recent years, interest in cultivating these crops has grown in many countries worldwide.

Ключевые слова

Grains and legumes, soups, porridges, snacks, mung beans, wheat, protein.


Библиографические ссылки

  1. Atabayeva H.N., Khudoyqulov J.B. Plant Science. – Tashkent: Science and Technology, 2018. – 407 pages.
  2. Antony A.K., Pylov A.P. Leguminous Crops for Feed and Seeds. - L.: Kolos, Leningrad Branch, 1980. - 221 pages.
  3. Atabayeva H.N. Plant Science. – Tashkent: Mehnat, 2000. – 134-136 pages.
  4. Balashova N.N. Integrative Growth of Agricultural Production Based on the Cultivation of High-Protein Crops: Monograph. - Volgograd: VGSKhA, 2004. - 280 pages.
  5. Balashova N.N., Morozov A.K., Balashov A.V. Economic Assessment of the Prospects of New Agricultural Crop Varieties (on the Example of Chickpeas): Monograph. - Volgograd: IPK "Niva" FGOU VPO VGSKhA, 2004. - 108 pages.
  6. Jumayev Z., Sirimov A. Agro-Technological Practices for Planting Mung Beans on Stubble // Recommendations for the Care of Secondary Crops Planted After Cereal Crops in Irrigated Lands. – Tashkent, 1995. – 18-22 pages.
  7. Kogay M.T. Cultivation of Leguminous Grain Crops in Irrigated Lands. – Tashkent: Uzbekistan, 1973. – 40 pages.
  8. Oripov R., Khalilov N. Plant Science. – Tashkent, 2006. – 245-248 pages.