Science and innovation in the education system <p>The Italian open conference that publishes original research and review articles in a variety of fields. The main goal is to offer an intelligent platform for international scientists and to develop interdisciplinary research in applied sciences. Conference languages: italian, Russian, english, Maldaski, Kazaқsha, o’zbek, limba romвnă, Kyrgyz tili, Հայերեն</p> ru-RU Science and innovation in the education system INNOVATIVE METHODS FOR DEVELOPING FUNCTIONAL LITERACY IN TEACHING STUDENTS TO THINK INDEPENDENTLY <p>In the modern education system, it has become necessary to teach students not only traditional knowledge but also the skills of independent thinking and active participation in social life. Today, an essential component of this process is the development of functional literacy. The ability of students to think independently plays a crucial role in expanding their worldview and enhancing their creative potential. Therefore, it is necessary to apply innovative approaches, methods, and strategies in developing functional literacy among students.</p> Maxsudjon Tilyabov Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-06 2025-02-06 4 2 5 8 ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКАЯ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТЬ ПРОИЗВОДСТВА ЧАЙНОГО НАПИТКА НА ОСНОВЕ РАСТЕНИЯ АРТИШОК <p>В статье рассмотрены вопросы создание функциональных пищевых продуктов на основе инулинсодержащего растительного сырья позволит обеспечить обеспечить население функциональным питанием диабетического характера. Чайный напиток на основе растения артишок, содержит в своем составе фолиевой кислоты и витаминов C и K, они также содержат важные минералы, такие как магний, фосфор, калий и железо которые имеют важное значения для организма человека.</p> М.И. Нуманова А. Фатхуллаев Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-07 2025-02-07 4 2 9 12 METHODOLOGY FOR DEVELOPING THE PEDAGOGICAL CULTURE OF FUTURE SPECIALISTS <p>This article explores the methodology for developing the pedagogical culture of future specialists. The formation of pedagogical culture contributes to the development of professional skills, moral values, and creative abilities of specialists. The article discusses methods such as pedagogical training, experience exchange, interactive learning, psychological approaches, and the use of technological innovations. Additionally, it analyzes the importance of personal and creative activity, empathy, environment, and social context in developing pedagogical culture, as well as the processes of reflection and effectiveness assessment. The research includes recommendations related to modern approaches to enhancing the stages of developing pedagogical culture and its impact on professional training.</p> Feruzaxon Mamadova Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-07 2025-02-07 4 2 13 20 THE IMPORTANCE OF NATIONAL IDEOLOGY AND THE ROLE OF EDUCATION IN THE FORMATION OF SPIRITUALITY <p>This article analyzes the significance of the national idea in the formation of spirituality and the role of education in the development of society. The national idea is considered a crucial factor in strengthening the spiritual foundations of society and ensuring individual development. Additionally, the article explores the impact of the educational process on social and cultural dynamics and its role in shaping moral values. Based on scientific analysis, the influence of the national idea and education on social stability and progress is substantiated.</p> Djubatkhan Sagindikov E. Abdikhalikova Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-10 2025-02-10 4 2 21 26 MODERN METHODS FOR THE PREVENTION OF WEDGE-SHAPED DEFECT OF TEETH <p>Non-carious dental lesions are fairly common diseases that almost every dentist encounter during his work. Among them, one should single out a disease that manifests itself in the form of a special shaped defect in dental tissue. At the initial examination, it immediately catches the eye, as the defect takes on a wedge-shaped shape. Due to its appearance, this disease was called a wedge-shaped defect [1]. According to studies, every year there are more and more patients with this pathology. Many scientists attribute this to the improper use of hygiene products, and others to the excessive consumption of products containing acids. The prevalence of this defect increases with age, most often it is found in people older than 45 years [2]. This lesion violates the aesthetic appearance of a smile, and in addition, it can lead to increased sensitivity of the teeth [3]. Scientists have not come to a consensus about the causes of the disease and the methods of its treatment [4]. However, in many cases, the disease can be prevented by applying simple methods of prevention.</p> Mukhammadkodir Khasanov Aziz Mubinjonov Dilshod Akhmedov Sevara Ilkhomjonova Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-10 2025-02-10 4 2 27 30 THE ANTONYMOUS RELATIONSHIP OF FRIENDSHIP/ENMITY IN ENGLISH AND UZBEK FOLK PROVERBS <p>This article analyzes the antonymous relationship between the concepts of friendship and enmity in English and Uzbek folk proverbs. It explores how these two concepts are expressed differently in each culture while reflecting the worldview, values, and social norms of the respective people. The paper highlights the contrast between friendship and enmity as they are presented in folk proverbs, focusing on their mutual opposition and their common themes. The comparison reveals significant cultural insights into these fundamental human relationships.</p> Gulzoda Ergasheva Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 4 2 31 34 THE STATE OF HEMATOLOGICAL PARAMETERS IN APLASTIC ANEMIA <p>To analyze laboratory changes in peripheral blood and myelogram in adult patients with aplastic anemia.</p> Zukhra Akhmedova Dilfuza Matkarimova Kodirjon Boboev Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 4 2 35 38 THE ROLE OF SPIRITUALITY AND VALUES IN BUILDING IMMUNITY TO WESTERN MASS CULTURE <p>This rеsеarch еxplorеs thе rolе of spirituality and valuеs in strеngthеning rеsistancе to thе influеncе of Wеstеrn mass culturе. It dеlvеs into how dееply-rootеd spiritual bеliеfs and cultural valuеs sеrvе as a protеctivе barriеr against thе dominancе of globalizеd Wеstеrn idеologiеs. By еxamining diffеrеnt cultural contеxts, thе study highlights thе importancе of maintaining a strong sеnsе of idеntity and tradition in safеguarding sociеtal and individual rеsiliеncе. Thе papеr also discussеs how spiritual practicеs and valuе systеms contributе to shaping attitudеs and bеhaviors that rеsist cultural assimilation.</p> Abbosxon Xayridinov Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 4 2 39 42 TO STUDY THE RELATIONSHIP OF TNFα (G-308A) GENE POLYMORPHISM IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF APLASTIC ANEMIA <p>To analyze the functional significance of polymorphism of the proinflammatory cytokine TNFa (G-308A) gene in the development of aplastic anemia.</p> Zukhra Akhmedova Dilfuza Matkarimova Kodirjon Boboev Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-13 2025-02-13 4 2 43 47 DIFFERENCES IN THE FORMATION OF PARONYMS IN UZBEK AND ENGLISH <p>This articlе analyzеs thе diffеrеncеs in thе formation of paronyms in thе Uzbеk and Еnglish languagеs. Paronyms arе phonеtically and morphologically similar, but sеmantically diffеrеnt words, and thеir formation pattеrns arе manifеstеd diffеrеntly in both languagеs. Thе articlе providеs a comparativе analysis of thе linguistic naturе of paronyms, thеir structurе, formation mеchanisms, lеxical-sеmantic propеrtiеs, and pragmatic functions. Thе similaritiеs and diffеrеncеs of paronyms in thе Uzbеk and Еnglish languagеs ​​arе considеrеd from an еtymological, structural, and functional pеrspеctivе. Thе rolе of thеsе lеxical units in linguistics and thе problеms that may arisе in thе translation procеss arе also highlightеd. Thе rеsults of thе study arе of grеat importancе in thе procеss of languagе lеarning, translation practicе, and linguistic rеsеarch.</p> Mo‘tabar Negmatova Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-13 2025-02-13 4 2 48 52 BOSHLANGʻICH SINF OʻQUVCHILARIDA NUTQIY KOMPETENSIYALARNI RIVOJLANTIRISHDA TASVIRIY SANʼATNING AHAMIYATI <p>Bu maqolada boshlang‘ich sinf oʻquvchilarining nutqini rivojlantirishda tasviriy san’at namunalaridan foydalanishning maqsadi hamda metodik tavsiyalar haqida soʻz boradi.</p> Sevinch Masharipova Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-14 2025-02-14 4 2 53 55