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This article presents some thoughts on the rules of montage, artistry in screen art, and its significance in creating the rhythm of a film.

Ключевые слова

idea, cinema, television, shooting, frame, montage, rhythm, unified film.


Библиографические ссылки

  1. V.D. Simakov, I Want to Make Movies!, 3rd ed., Moscow, 2015, 312 pages.
  2. L.T. Kuzminsky, Green Lens: A Guide for Ecologists Making Films, 2005, 76 pages.
  3. V.D. Simakov, I Want to Make Movies!, 3rd ed., Moscow, 2015, 312 pages.
  4. L.V. Kuleshov, Frame and Montage, Vol. 1, Art, Moscow, 1961, 88 pages.
  5. V.F. Poznin, Fundamentals of Image Montage, St. Petersburg, 2004.
  6. S.A. Timoshenko, The Art of Cinema and Montage, Academia, Leningrad, 1926, 76 pages.
  7. L.V. Kuleshov, Frame and Montage, Vol. 1, Art, Moscow, 1961, 88 pages.
  8. L.V. Kuleshov, Frame and Montage, Vol. 1, Art, Moscow, 1961, 88 pages.
  9. Sh.T. Khusanov, Montage, Tashkent, "Aloqachi", 2018, 196 pages.
  10. M. Marten, The Language of Cinema, Moscow, Art, 1959, 132 pages.
  11. S.E. Medinsky, Composing the Film Frame, Moscow, Art, 1992, 239 pages.
  12. U. Murch, The Art of Editing: The Journey of a Film from the First Frame to the Theater, Eksmo, 2020, 224 pages.
  13. A. Nasirova, Basics of Cinema-Video Montage, Tashkent, 2007.
  14. A.G. Sokolov, Montage: Television, Video, Cinema, Moscow, 2005, 244 pages.
  15. N.I. Utilova, Montage, Moscow, 2004, 171 pages.