Current approaches and new research in modern sciences <p>The Polish open conference that publishes original research and review articles in a variety of fields. The main goal is to offer an intelligent platform for international scientists and to develop interdisciplinary research in applied sciences. Conference languages: spanish, Russian, english, Maldaski, Kazaқsha, o’zbek, limba romвnă, Kyrgyz tili, Հայերեն</p> ru-RU Current approaches and new research in modern sciences A WORK OF ART — A SYSTEM INTEGRITY <p>Article artistic the work system as analysis to do dedicated is a work of art structure , composition , characters and symbolism such as main of elements mutual their connections studies . Artistic work system , its all structural parts one whole as performance through work content , structure and aesthetic the effect Literary studies​ and art history theories based on , artistic the work system as of view importance seeing is released .</p> Jazira Nurullayeva Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 4 1 5 8 ROBOTS CONTROL TECHNOLOGY USING THE ROBOTREK PLATFORM <p>Analyzing the trends in the development of robotics today, one can imagine a future in which robots will become indispensable assistants in people's daily lives. Perhaps humanity is on the verge of a new era when personal computers will leave the desk and allow us to see, hear, touch and even manipulate objects from a distance. The technology of controlling the movement of robots was analyzed by installing sensors and motion mechanisms used to control robots using the Robotrek platform.</p> M.R. Ochilov S.R. Ochilova B.B. Buriyev Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-06 2025-01-06 4 1 9 13 RAQSNING PLASTIK YECHIMI <p>San’atning yorqin turlaridan biri bо‘lgan ajoyib&nbsp; raqs san’ati о‘zining gо‘zalligi, beqiyos sexri, va о‘zgacha&nbsp; jozibasi bilan kishi dilini о‘ziga rom etadi. Raqs inson qalbidagi noyob xislarni&nbsp; nafis harakatlar orqali namoyon etadigan san’atdir. Raqqosani xamma harakatlari betakror bir ma’noni kо‘rsatib bera oladi, albatta e’tibor bilan nazar solsak bastakor musiqa orqali tomoshabinga nimani anglatmoqchi bо‘lgan bо‘lsa, raqqosa о‘z harakatlari bilan о‘sha ma’noni&nbsp; ifoda etib beradi.&nbsp;</p> Sarvinoz Erkaboyeva Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-07 2025-01-07 4 1 14 16 КЛИНИЧЕСКИЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ КОМПЛЕКСНОЙ ТЕРАПИИ РУБЦОВ ЛИЦА <p>Клиническое исследование эффективности комплексной терапии рубцов лица с использованием современных методов и препаратов, в частности, 5-фторурацил и сукцината натрия (HYALUAL).</p> Д.З. Юсупова Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 4 1 17 20 ОБРАЗ ГЛАВНЫХ ГЕРОЕВ В ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЯХ ТАТЬЯНЫ ЕСЕНИНОЙ. <p>Татьяна Сергеевна Есенина является дочерью знаменитого писателя Сергея Есенина. Родилась в 1918 году в Орле. Член Союза писателей. Оказавшись в эвакуации в Ташкенте в 1942 году, осталась здесь на всю жизнь. В Ташкенте Татьяна Сергеевна работала корректором в местном телеграфном агентстве . Вскоре она стала репортером, а ещё через некоторое время её пригласили в республиканскую газету «Правда&nbsp;&nbsp; Востока», где Татьяна Сергеевна заявила о себе и как даровитая очеркистка. Была директором музея Сергея Есенина в Ташкенте.</p> Мухлиса Турсунова Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 4 1 21 23 POWER POINT DASTURIDA ANIMATSIYALARNI YARATISH VA ULAR BILAN ISHLASH TEXNOLOGIYASI <p>Ushbu maqola barcha yoshdagi insonlarga manzur keladi degan umiddamiz. Ushbu maqolada Power Pointda animatsiyalarni yaratish va ular bilan ishlash bo’yicha bilim va ko’nikmalarimizni mana shu maqola orqali ulashmoqchimiz. O’ylaymizki bizni ma’lumotlarimiz sizlar uchun ham ma’qul keladi degan umiddamiz</p> Sabrina Turayeva Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 4 1 24 30 MODERN ASSESSMENT METHODS IN ENSURING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION <p>In today's world, changes in the field of education and modern approaches require the transformation of assessment systems. Traditional assessment methods are usually aimed at measuring the level of students' knowledge, while modern assessment methods focus on a comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of the learning process, student performance, and their development.</p> Olimdjon Elov Elinur Hasanova Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-10 2025-01-10 4 1 31 35 THE ROLE OF CIVIL LIABILITY IN SHAPING BANK CYBERSECURITY STANDARDS: ANALYZING JUDICIAL INTERPRETATION OF “REASONABLE SECURITY MEASURES” <p>The accelerating digitalization of banking services has created unprecedented challenges for financial institutions in maintaining robust security measures while ensuring operational efficiency and customer convenience. As cyber attacks become more frequent and devastating, with global financial losses from cyber incidents in the banking sector exceeding $1.2 trillion in 2023 alone (Global Banking Security Index, 2024), the role of civil liability in establishing and enforcing cybersecurity standards has become increasingly crucial. Within this complex landscape, the concept of "reasonable security measures" serves as a central legal standard in determining liability, yet its interpretation has evolved significantly as courts grapple with rapid technological advancement, emerging threats, and changing customer expectations.</p> Ismoilbek Ramazonov Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-10 2025-01-10 4 1 36 41 CORPUS-DRIVEN INNOVATIONS FOR INTERPRETING JADID TEXTS <p>The literary and cultural outputs of the Jadid movement, which sought educational and social reforms in Central Asia during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, hold significant historical and linguistic value. Modern corpus-based approaches provide novel avenues to explore these texts, uncovering nuanced patterns of discourse, rhetorical devices, and sociocultural content embedded within them. This article delves into how corpus methodologies enhance the interpretation of Jadid literature, discussing key analytical frameworks, tools, and strategies. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of integrating discourse analysis with corpus tools for language educators, historians, and scholars of linguistics. By applying corpus methods, researchers can yield more robust insights into the reformist ideas of the Jadids and their linguistic styles, strengthening our collective understanding of Uzbekistan’s intellectual heritage.</p> Madina Dalieva Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-13 2025-01-13 4 1 42 47 QUALITY ASSESSMENT AND MONITORING SYSTEMS <p>This article explores the importance of improving the effectiveness of quality assessment and monitoring processes, and their application within organizational activities. It analyzes quality assessment methods, monitoring systems, and compliance with international standards (ISO 9001). The article offers practical recommendations for enhancing quality management systems, improving product and service quality, meeting customer needs, and increasing competitiveness. The research demonstrates how quality monitoring and assessment can help organizations develop effective management strategies, improve existing systems, and allocate resources efficiently. Furthermore, the long-term significance of quality assessment and monitoring, and their impact on organizational success, are analyzed in detail.</p> Olimdjon Elov Ismigul Ibragimova Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-13 2025-01-13 4 1 48 53 АЁЛЛАР ТОМОНИДАН СОДИР ЭТИЛГАН ЖИНОЯТЛАРНИ ТЕРГОВ ҚИЛИШНИ ТАКОМИЛЛАШТИРИШ МАСАЛАЛАРИДА ХАЛҚАРО ХУҚУҚИЙ НОРМАЛАР <p>Аёллар томонидан содир этилган жиноятларни тергов қилиш жараёнида халқаро ҳуқуқ нормаларининг аҳамияти жуда катта. Улар тергов жараёнининг холислиги, адолатлилиги ва инсон ҳуқуқларига мувофиқлигини таъминлашга ёрдам беради. Бу нормалар терговчиларга аёлларнинг ҳуқуқларини ҳимоя қилиш, зўравонлик ва дискриминациянинг олдини олиш, ҳамда тергов жараёнида уларга нисбатан инсонпарварлик тамойилларига амал қилиш учун қўлланилади.</p> Дилафруз Ғофурова Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-13 2025-01-13 4 1 54 68 PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES OF IMPROVING THE VICTIMOLOGICAL PREVENTION SYSTEM IN ENSURING THE STABILITY OF THE SOCIO-SPIRITUAL ENVIRONMENT IN THE NEW UZBEKISTAN <p>The article studies the theoretical and methodological foundations of ensuring the stability of the socio-spiritual environment in society, victimological prevention and its dialectical features in ensuring the stability of the socio-spiritual environment in society, and the prospects for improving the victimological prevention system in ensuring the stability of the socio-spiritual environment. Modern conceptual approaches and views on ensuring the stability of the socio-spiritual environment in society are also analyzed.</p> Khusanboy Toshpulatov Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-15 2025-01-15 4 1 69 73 БРОНХ АНОМАЛИЯЛАРИНИ АНИҚЛАШДА NGS (NEXT-GENERATION SEQUENCING) ТЕХНОЛОГИЯЛАРИНИНГ РОЛИ <p>Туғма бронх аномалиялари — нафас йўлларининг ривожланишидаги бузилишлар бўлиб, улар янги туғилган чақалоқларда хавфли асоратларга олиб келиши мумкин. Бу аномалиялар наfaс олиш тизимининг турли қисмларига, хусусан, бронхиолар ва трахеяга таъсир қилиши мумкин. Аномалиялар ўзгаришларини аниқлаш ва уларга мос даволаш усулларини ишлаб чиқишда молекуляр таҳлиллар аҳамиятга эга. <strong>Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS)</strong> — бу замонавий молекуляр-генетик таҳлил усули бўлиб, генетик ва эпигенетик ўзгаришларни аниқлашдаги самарадорлиги билан эътиборга моликдир. NGS технологияси нафас йўллари аномалияларини аниқлашда янги йўналишлар очади ва диагноз қўйишдаги ишлаш самарадорлигини оширади.</p> Л.Ш. Шевкетова Н.Ж. Маҳкамов Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 4 1 74 76 ERONNING O’RTA OSIYA XONLIKLARI BILAN ALOQALARI. <p>Ushbu maqolada XIX-asr oxirlarida O’rta Osiyo xonliklarining xususan, Buxoro amirligining Eron bilan savdo va diplomatik munosabatlari haqida fikr boradi.</p> Aziza Abduhamidova Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 4 1 77 79 PHILOSOPHICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF ENSURING GENDER IDENTITY IN PREVENTING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE <p>The article studies the theoretical and methodological foundations of the philosophical and anthropological analysis of the gender identity factor in preventing domestic violence, the philosophical aspects of ensuring gender identity in preventing domestic violence, advanced foreign experiences and priority areas, and future tasks. It also analyzes the theoretical and methodological aspects of the philosophical and anthropological analysis of the gender identity factor in preventing domestic violence.</p> Rustam Abdurakhmonov Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-16 2025-01-16 4 1 80 84 MORPHOLOGICAL STRUCTURES OF THE COLON IN RATS DURING CHEMOTHERAPY FOR BREAST CANCER. <p>When we modeled mammary cancer in 6-month-old rats and administered chemotherapy with paclitaxel, we encountered various pathological changes.</p> Elyor Choriev Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-17 2025-01-17 4 1 85 89 INNOVATIONS IN POSTOPERATIVE CARE: THE USE OF DRAINS AND ANTISEPTICS TO PREVENT PURULENT INFECTIONS <p>Postoperative purulent infections remain one of the main causes of complications in surgical practice. To prevent their development, proper postoperative care, including the use of various methods and means, is an important aspect. Drains and antiseptics are among the most effective and widely used technologies. Modern innovations in these areas have significantly increased the effectiveness of the prevention of purulent infections and improved the outcomes of surgical treatment.</p> N.X. Fattaxov A.R. Abdulxakimov Sh.X. Xomidchonova G.N. Xaidarov Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-21 2025-01-21 4 1 90 91 CULTURE OF READING FICTION <p>The article deals with the importance and development of the culture of reading fiction in modern society. In the eyes of the majority of modern youth, reading literature is not an interesting and necessary occupation. However, it should be noted that it is fiction that contributes to the moral education of young people, which is a very important aspect in the process of personality formation. The use of fiction images contributes to the enhancement of visibility, concretization of historical material presented by the teacher, forming vivid ideas about the past and enriching historical thinking.</p> Ikbola Abdullaeva Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-21 2025-01-21 4 1 92 97 INGICHKA TOLALI G‘O‘ZA NAVLARI TOLASINING TEXNOLOGIK KO‘RSATKICHLARI <p>Mаqоlаdа ingichkа tоlаli g‘о‘zа navlari (Mаrvаrid, Surxоn-14, Bо‘stоn, G‘uzоr) tolasi texnologik ko‘rsatkichlariga ekish sxemasining ta’siri o‘rganilgan bo‘lib bunda tolaning tipi, tola chiqishi, tola uzunligi, mikroneyr ko‘rsatkichi tolaning pishiqligi, nisbiy uzilish kuchi kabi ko‘rsatkichlarining turli ekish sxemalaridagi farqlari tаvsifi bаyоn etilgаn.</p> А.О. Qо‘zibоyev Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-22 2025-01-22 4 1 98 101 SHARQ UYG'ONISH DAVRIDA PEDAGOGIK FIKRLARNING RIVOJLANISHI. SHARQ UYG'ONISH DAVRIDA TA'LIMIY-AXLOQIY FIKRLAR RIVOJI. <p>Sharq uyg‘onish davri ilm-fan, madaniyat va ta’limning rivojlanishida ulkan ahamiyatga ega bo‘ldi. Ushbu davrda shakllangan pedagogik qarashlar inson ma’naviy va axloqiy barkamolligini ta’minlashga qaratilgan edi. Al-Farobiy, Ibn Sino, Yusuf Xos Hojib kabi mutafakkirlarning asarlari ta’lim va tarbiyaning nazariy hamda amaliy asoslarini belgilab berdi. Bu maqolada Sharq uyg‘onish davrida pedagogik va ta’limiy-axloqiy fikrlarning rivoji ko‘rib chiqiladi.</p> Charosxon Madiyeva Davron Abduqunduzov Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-22 2025-01-22 4 1 102 107 IS’HOQ OTA ZIYORATGOH TARIXI. <p>Ushbu maqolada Qashqadaryo viloyati Mirishkor tumani hududida joylashgan Is’hoq ota ziyoratgohi tarixi va bugungi kundagi holati haqida tarixiy manba va adabiyotlar orqali ma’lumot beriladi.</p> Dilshod Yuldoshev Egamnazar Mamatqulov Copyright (c) 2025 2025-01-23 2025-01-23 4 1 108 111