Theoretical aspects in the formation of pedagogical sciences <p>The British open conference that publishes original research and review articles in a variety of fields. The main goal is to offer an intelligent platform for international scientists and to develop interdisciplinary research in applied sciences. Conference languages: Belarusian, Russian, english, Maldaski, Kazaқsha, o’zbek, limba romвnă, Kyrgyz tili, Հայերեն</p> «AID» LLC ru-RU Theoretical aspects in the formation of pedagogical sciences THE IMPORTANCE OF MORPHEME AWARENESS IN UNDERSTANDING ACADEMIC LANGUAGE <p>The objective of this research is to examine the role of morpheme awareness in enhancing students' understanding of academic language. Morpheme awareness, or the ability to identify and manipulate the smallest units of meaning within words, is a key factor in vocabulary acquisition and reading comprehension, particularly in academic contexts where complex words are common. This study uses a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys, qualitative interviews, and practical activities to evaluate how morpheme awareness influences students' ability to decode and comprehend academic vocabulary. Results indicate that morpheme-based strategies significantly aid in understanding specialized vocabulary, with students showing improved confidence and comprehension when encountering morphologically complex words. These findings support the integration of morphological instruction in educational settings to promote independent learning and academic literacy.</p> Rasulbek Ergashev Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-05 2024-11-05 3 20 5 12 FORMATION OF CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS IN STUDENTS AS A SOCIAL-PEDAGOGICAL PROBLEM <p>in this article, it is considered that the development of critical thinking in students is an important pedagogical problem. factors, methods, directions of development of critical thinking are shown. it is proposed to use the activity of national heroes as a didactic tool for the development of critical thinking in students.</p> Nasiba Masharipova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-05 2024-11-05 3 20 13 16 PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS OF EDUCATION OF PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN THROUGH MUSIC <p>Small school age of children's personal, social and emotional development, music, science through train efficiency depends. Music, children's sensitivities, aesthetic appearance and creative abilities in the development of an important role plays. In addition, music education is important in the formation of children's social skills and their integration into society. In this article, a small school for young children music science through educating pedagogical conditions of the review is out.</p> M.I. Haydarova Babur Akbarov Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-05 2024-11-05 3 20 17 19 ZAMОNAVIY TA’LIM-HARBIY XIZMATСHILAR FARZANDLARINI BARKAMОL SHAXS SIFATIDA VОYAGA YETKAZISHNING MARKAZIY ОMILI <p>Zamоnaviy ta’lim-harbiy xizmatсhilar farzandlarini barkamоl shaxs sifatida vоyaga yetkazishning markaziy оmili, xususan, axlоqiy tarbiya va ta’lim tizimining ahamiyati masalasiga iјtimоiy-falsafiy nuqtai nazardan yоndashganda, bu јarayоn јamiyatning barqarоrligi, davlatning kelaјak avlоdni yetishtirishga qо‘ygan maqsadlari va ma’naviy tarbiya tizimi bilan сhambarсhas bоg’liqdir. Harbiy xizmatсhilar farzandlari ma’lum bir turmush sharоitida о‘sadi va bu sharоitlar ularning shaxsiy rivојlanishiga katta ta’sir kо‘rsatadi. Shuningdek, mamlakatda ta’lim tizimining о‘rni va undagi asоsiy vazifalar nafaqat intellektual јihatdan rivојlangan, balki ma’naviy јihatdan yetuk shaxslarni tarbiyalash bilan belgilanishi lоzimdir.</p> Behruz G‘afurov Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-05 2024-11-05 3 20 20 23 OPTIMIZATION OF SURGICAL ACCESS THE LOWER JAW MOLARS <p>To date, there are numerous surgical intervention techniques that allow for the avoidance of tooth extraction in chronic periodontal processes. However, surgical revision in the area of multi-rooted teeth leads to bone loss in the surgical intervention zone, increases the risk of vascular-nervous bundle damage, and prolongs the treatment duration for patients. In this regard, the search for new methods to optimize treatment is a pressing task.</p> Farangiz Eshmurodova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-06 2024-11-06 3 20 24 25 QORAQALPOQ SUR QORAKO‘L QO‘YLARI HAYOTCHANLIGINING BIOLOGIK FAOL MODDALAR VA TIRIK VAZNGA BOG‘LIQLIGI <p>Maqolada qoraqalpoq sur qorako`l qo`ylari hayotchanligining biologik faol moddalar bilan bog`liqligi keltirilgan.</p> Behzod Hamroqulov Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-06 2024-11-06 3 20 26 29 INCIDENTAL VS. INTENTIONAL VOCABULARY LEARNING: WHAT WORKS BEST FOR DIFFERENT LEARNERS? <p>This research examines the effectiveness of incidental versus intentional vocabulary learning strategies among high school and university students. Vocabulary acquisition is critical for language development, impacting both academic success and communication skills. Incidental learning occurs naturally through context, like reading and listening, while intentional learning involves focused activities such as using flashcards or vocabulary lists. While both methods offer distinct benefits, they also present challenges depending on learners' proficiency and educational contexts. The study highlights the potential of a blended approach, integrating both strategies to optimize vocabulary acquisition. Through interviews with educators and an experimental study with student participants, this research aims to provide insights for developing more effective vocabulary instruction.</p> Nurillo Sayfutdinov Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-07 2024-11-07 3 20 30 35 LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF THE CONCEPT OF "HAPPINESS" IN ENGLISH AND UZBEKI (EXAMPLE OF POEMS) <p>In this article, the linguistic and cultural features of the concept of "happiness" in English and Uzbek are analyzed on the example of poetic works. In both languages ​​and cultures, the expression of the concept of "happiness" through various semantic, lexical and artistic means is studied, and attention is paid to the commonalities and differences between them. Linguistic forms, cultural connotations and methods of artistic representation of the concept of "happiness" in English and Uzbek poetry are comparatively analyzed. The results of the research serve to determine the harmony between linguistic and cultural views and reveal the richness of Uzbek and English poetic traditions.</p> Kamola Karimova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-07 2024-11-07 3 20 36 41 AXBOROT KOMPETENTSIYASINING BO’LAJAK TARBIYACHILAR FAOLIYATIDA TUTGAN O’RNI VA AHAMIYATI. <p>Bo’lajak tarbiyachilar kelajakda, bolalarning o‘sib borayotgan shaxsiyatini hayotga tayyorlashni, odob-ahloq me’yorlari va milliy, oilaviy, shaxsiy qadriyatlarni rivojlantirish, boshqalar bilan o‘zaro munosabatga kirish, muloqot qilish bilan bog‘liq vazifalarni hal qilish uchun zarur bo‘lgan faoliyat usullarini shakllantirishni ta’minlash maqsadida ma’lum kompentetsiyaga ega bo‘lishi kerakligini nazarda tutadi.</p> D.A. Begmuratova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-07 2024-11-07 3 20 42 45 PRESERVING MOTHER NATURE TO ENLARGE THE PLANT WORLD TODAY IS ONE OF THE MAIN ISSUES OF THE DAY. <p>In this article, the issue that is considered urgent today, i.e., increasing the number of plants in the preservation of mother nature is of great importance today, the need to increase the number of plants in preserving the purity of the atmosphere, as a result of which a healthy environment will be created in the future. it is said to give concepts about the basic source for creating a style.</p> Nazira Roziyeva Shohida Chorshambiyeva Zarina Eshboyeva Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-07 2024-11-07 3 20 46 48 FARGʻONA VODIYSI FOLKLORIDA KICHIK LIRIK VA EPIK JANRLARNING QIYOSIY TAHLILI <p>Ushbu maqolada kichik lirik va epik janrlarning ta'riflari, ularning o‘ziga xos xususiyatlari, farqlari va o‘xshashliklari tahlil qilinadi.</p> Shohzod Jalilov Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-07 2024-11-07 3 20 49 51 WAYS OF DEMONSTRATION OF SUGGESTION SKILLS OF FUTURE PEDAGOGICAL TEACHERS <p>in this article, future pedagogic teachers will help to reveal the forms, nature and structure of suggestiveness skills, the content of the concepts of suggestiveness, the essence of suggestiveness skills, not only describing their structure, but also the characteristics of manifestation. , the main theoretical and methodological rules that help to determine the connection and connection with other professional pedagogical qualities are discussed</p> Manzura Shermatova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-07 2024-11-07 3 20 52 54 WAYS OF DEMONSTRATION OF SUGGESTION SKILLS OF FUTURE PEDAGOGICAL TEACHERS <p>in this article, future pedagogic teachers will help to reveal the forms, nature and structure of suggestiveness skills, the content of the concepts of suggestiveness, the essence of suggestiveness skills, not only describing their structure, but also the characteristics of manifestation. , the main theoretical and methodological rules that help to determine the connection and connection with other professional pedagogical qualities are discussed</p> Manzura Shermatova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-07 2024-11-07 3 20 55 57 ПРОФИЛАКТИКА ИНСПЕКТОРИНИНГ ҲУҚУҚБУЗАРЛИКЛАРНИНГ СОДИР ЭТИШ САБАБЛАРИ ВА ШАРТ-ШАРОИТЛАРИНИ БАРТАРАФ ЭТИШ БЎЙИЧА ТАҚДИМНОМА КИРИТИШ АМАЛИЁТИНИ ТАКОМИЛЛАШТИРИШ <p>Ушбу мақола профилактика инспекторининг ҳуқуқбузарликларнинг содир этилиши сабаблари ва шарт-шароитларини бартараф этиш амалиётини такомиллаштириш тўғрисида, шунингдек, ҳуқуқбузарликларни олдини олишда профилактика инспекторининг ролини кучайтириш, самарали усулларни ишлаб чиқиш ва уларни амалиётга жорий этиш, ҳуқуқбузарликларнинг асосий сабаблари ва шарт-шароитларини таҳлил қилиш, профилактика инспекторининг мавжуд усуллари ва уларнинг самарадорлиги тўғрисида фикрлар илгари сурилган.</p> Шахзодбек Нарзиев Оғабек Собиров Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-07 2024-11-07 3 20 58 63 СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ПОДХОДЫ К УПРАВЛЕНИЮ КАДРАМИ И МОТИВАЦИИ СОТРУДНИКОВ <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; text-indent: 1.0cm; line-height: 115%;"><span style="font-size: 14.0pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 'Cambria',serif;">В данной работе рассматриваются современные подходы к управлению кадрами и мотивации сотрудников, которые играют ключевую роль в повышении эффективности работы организаций. В условиях динамично развивающегося рынка и глобальных изменений роль персонала становится все более значимой, что требует от руководителей внедрения инновационных методов мотивации и эффективного управления кадровыми ресурсами.</span></p> Фазилат Абдухамидова Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-08 2024-11-08 3 20 64 75 MARKETING RESEARCH OF CUSTOMER DEMAND AND FACTORS AFFECTING THE CREATION OF SOFTWARE PRODUCTS <p>This study explores the factors influencing customer demand in the software industry and the role of marketing research in shaping the development of software products. As the digital landscape evolves, understanding customer needs becomes increasingly complex, with demand driven by a variety of macroeconomic, microeconomic, technological, and regulatory factors. This research employs both quantitative and qualitative research methods, including surveys, interviews, and competitor analysis, to gain insights into customer preferences and market trends. The findings reveal that factors such as economic conditions, technological advancements, and industry-specific requirements significantly influence software demand. Additionally, emerging trends like remote work solutions and cybersecurity are shaping the future of software development. The study also emphasizes the importance of Agile methodologies, specifically Scrum, in managing software development projects and ensuring alignment with customer expectations. The results provide valuable insights for software companies looking to adapt to evolving market conditions, meet customer needs, and maintain a competitive edge.</p> Ibragim Rayimbayev Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-09 2024-11-09 3 20 76 81 РОЛЬ ДЕЛ ОБ АДМИНИСТРАТИВНЫХ ПРАВОНАРУШЕНИЯХ В ОСУЩЕСТВЛЕНИИ ПРОФИЛАКТИКИ ПРЕСТУПЛЕНИЙ ОРГАНАМИ ВНУТРЕННИХ ДЕЛ <p>В настоящее время в нашей стране проводится множество реформ, направленных на укрепление правопорядка и законности, обеспечение мира и спокойствия населения путем обеспечения общественной безопасности, формирование комплексной системы профилактики правонарушений и борьбы с преступностью, налаживание эффективной деятельности органов внутренних дел от самого низшего уровня до республиканского уровня и внедрение современных методов работы. В соответствии с Указом Президента Республики Узбекистан от 26 марта 2021 года No УП-6196 в деятельность подразделений по профилактике правонарушений внедряются современные информационные технологии, направленные на повышение их эффективности и снижение нагрузки.</p> Эльёр Ганиев Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-09 2024-11-09 3 20 82 84 СЕМАНТИЧЕСКИЙ И СИНТАКСИЧЕСКИЙ АНАЛИЗ АДЪЮНКТИВНЫХ КОНСТРУКЦИЙ В СОВРЕМЕННОМ НЕМЕЦКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ <p>Данная работа посвящена синтаксическому и семантическому анализу адъюнктивных конструкций в современном немецком языке. Адъюнктивные конструкции, включающие прилагательные, причастия и другие синтаксические элементы, играют ключевую роль в уточнении, описании и дополнении значений в предложении. В статье исследуются основные типы таких конструкций, их функции и особенности использования в разных контекстах. Рассматриваются вопросы согласования адъюнктивных элементов с существительными, их позиционирование в предложении, а также их влияние на семантическое восприятие высказывания.</p> Зарина Азизова Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-11 2024-11-11 3 20 85 88 UNDERSTANDING PREPOSITIONAL CONSTRUCTIONS THROUGH PRAGMATIC SURVEY <p>Prepositional constructions often convey complex, context-dependent meanings in communication, and interpreting them requires more than a syntactic or semantic approach. This paper investigates the pragmatic aspects of prepositional constructions, focusing on how context, speaker intent, inferencing, polysemy, embodied experience, and idiomatic use shape interpretation. Using examples and relevance theory, this study illustrates how a pragmatic approach offers a more nuanced understanding of prepositions and their flexible meanings.</p> Gulnoz Ergasheva Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-11 2024-11-11 3 20 89 93 MOY BO`YOQDA DENGIZ MANZARASINI CHIZISH TEXNIKASI VA IVAN AYVAZOVSKIY IJODIDA DENGIZ MANZARA JANRI <p>Ushbu maqolada moy bo`yoqda dengiz manzarasi ishlash tartibi, kerakli asboblar va zarur jihozlar bo`yicha malumotlar keltirlgan. Shuningdek, dengiz manzara janrida yorqin ijod qilgan rassom Ivan Konstantinovich Ayvazovskiy ijodi ham keltirilgan.</p> Shaxzoda Eshimova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-11 2024-11-11 3 20 94 96 HAYOT XAVFSIZLIGI ASOSLARINI MASHG'ULOTLARINI O'QITISH USULLARINI TAKOMILLASHTIRISH. <p>Xavfsizlikning umumiy nazariyasining tuzilishida tamoyil (prinsip)lar va usullar ko'rilayotgan bilim sohasida aloqalar to'g'risida toʼla tasavvur qilishda metodologiya ahamiyatga ega. Asos (prinsip) - bu fikr, g'oya, maqsad (asosiy holatdir).&nbsp; Usul - bu eng umumiy qonuniyatlarni&nbsp; bilish orqali maqsadga erishish yo'li. Xavfsizlikni ta'minlash asoslari va usullari mantiq va dialektikaga xos umumiy usullarga tegishli boʼlib maxsus va ayrim usullardan hisoblanadi. Usullar va asoslar o'zaro bog'liqdir. Hayot xavfsizligi asoslarini mashğulotlarini o'qitish usullarini takomillashtirish haqida fikr va mulohazalar yuritiladi.</p> Baxtiyor Qobilov Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-11 2024-11-11 3 20 97 99