aspects in the formation of pedagogical sciences2024-12-09T10:05:06+03:00Open Journal Systems<p>The British open conference that publishes original research and review articles in a variety of fields. The main goal is to offer an intelligent platform for international scientists and to develop interdisciplinary research in applied sciences. Conference languages: Belarusian, Russian, english, Maldaski, Kazaқsha, o’zbek, limba romвnă, Kyrgyz tili, Հայերեն</p> SPEECH COMPARED IN ENGLISH, RUSSIAN, AND UZBEK: COGNITIVE AND CULTURAL ASPECTS2024-12-06T12:00:56+03:00Madina<p>This thesis explores the phenomenon of represented speech across three languages—English, Russian, and Uzbek. It highlights cognitive and cultural dimensions that shape and influence the use and perception of represented speech. Through a comparative analysis, the study examines the structural, functional, and contextual differences in how represented speech is realized in these languages. The findings aim to contribute to a deeper understanding of linguistic diversity and the interplay between language, cognition, and culture.</p>2024-12-05T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 VA CSS YORDAMIDA WEB-SAHIFA ISHLAB CHIQISH2024-12-07T09:39:52+03:00Jahongir Nizomovinfo@econferences.ruSamariddin Aliqulovinfo@econferences.ruOtabek Ğaniyev<p>Ushbu maqola HTML (HyperText Markup Language) va CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) yordamida web-sahifa yaratish jarayonini batafsil tushuntiradi. Maqolada ushbu tillarning asosiy tushunchalari, sintaksisi, ularning web-dizayndagi roli va oddiy web-sahifa yaratish jarayoni ko'rib chiqiladi. Bu, yangi boshlovchilar uchun foydali manba bo'lib, web-dasturlash va dizayn sohasida dastlabki qadamlarni qo'yishda yordam beradi.</p>2024-12-06T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 TILLARNING ILK SIVILIZATSIYASI2024-12-07T09:42:16+03:00Umida<p>Ushbu maqola qadimiy tillarning ilk sivilizatsiyalarining shakllanishiga bo'lgan ta'sirini o'rganadi. Mesopotamiya, Misr, Indus vodiysi va Xitoy kabi qadimgi sivilizatsiyalarda rivojlangan yozuv tizimlari va tillarning ijtimoiy, madaniy va siyosiy hayotga qo'shgan hissasi tahlil qilinadi. Maqolada, shuningdek, tilning taraqqiyoti va sivilizatsiya rivojining o'zaro bog'liqligi, tilning yozma shakliga o'tishi va uning ijtimoiy tuzilmalarga ta'siri kabi masalalar ko'rib chiqiladi.</p>2024-12-06T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024СУҒУРТA КОМПAНИЯЛAРИНИНГ ИНВЕСТИЦИОН ФAОЛИЯТИНИ ТAРТИБГA СОЛИШ ЙЎНAЛИШЛAРИ2024-12-07T09:53:31+03:00Дилшод Бaхриев<p>Cуғуртa тaшкилотлaри бошқa молиявий институтлaр, хусусaн, бaнклaр, инвестиция компaниялaри, лизинг тaшкилотлaри билaн бир қaтордa молиявий тизимнинг aсосий буғинлaридaн бири ҳисоблaнaди. Бaрчa молия институтлaрининг умумий хусусияти шундaки, улaрнинг ҳaр бири мaхсус пул жaмғaрмaлaрининг шaкллaниши вa улaрни бошқaриш билaн шуғуллaнaди. Бироқ, фaолият йўнaлишлaри бўйичa молия институтлaри бир-биридaн фaрқ қилaди.</p>2024-12-06T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 MA’RIFATPARVARI USMONXO’JA PO’LATXO’JAYEVNING IJTIMOIY- SIYOSIY FAOLIYATI2024-12-07T09:59:35+03:00Azizbek<p>Jadid ma’rifatparvari qatorida muhim o’rin tutgan<strong>, </strong>Turkiston mustaqilligi uchun umrining oxirigacha kurash olib borgan Usmonxo‘ja Po‘latxo‘jayev hayoti va faoliyatining, amaliy ahamiyati maqolada batafsil ko’rib chiqildi. Uning xotirasini umrbod saqlash, esdaliklarini xalq orasida keng tarqatish va yosh avlodni milliy g’urur ruhida tarbiyalashga alohida ahamiyat berildi.</p>2024-12-06T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 FEATURES OF CHANG INSTRUMENT AND CHANGSIMAN INSTRUMENTS2024-12-07T15:13:59+03:00Komiljon<p>This article studies the performance characteristics of the zither and similar zither instruments. The historical development of these instruments, their place in various folk cultures, and their influence on musical performance styles are analyzed. The technical capabilities, sound range, resonance mechanism, and performance techniques of zither and zither instruments are scientifically covered. The article also analyzes the relevance and prospects of using these instruments in modern music education.</p>2024-12-06T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE SPREAD OF VIRUS DISEASES IN UZBEKISTAN AND NOSOGEOGRAPHIC ENVIRONMENT WAYS TO IMPROVE2024-12-09T10:05:06+03:00S.B.<p>In this article, the geography of the spread of viral diseases and ways to improve the nosogeographic environment are analyzed in detail, the main factors of the spread of hepatitis from viral diseases, how they are related to climate, geographical location, and human activity are considered. Viral hepatitis and their spreading mechanisms, as well as environmental conditions that play a role in the epidemic of diseases, are analyzed. The article also defines important directions for the prevention and reduction of viral hepatitis diseases based on modern scientific research.</p>2024-12-09T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024