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Kiziltepa district Citizens of Toshmasjid neighborhood in the gathering located in the " Toshmasjid " complex of Uzbekistan Navoi province Kiziltepa district Wangozi in the town monument (XVI century ) Many columnar big from the room a single jome consisting of is a mosque . 2 large ones and 16 ones kind of small domes with closed .


Библиографические ссылки

  1. Kamola, R. THE CITY THAT COMPETED WITH NAUTAKA, BUKHARA AND MAROKANDA. Zbiór artykułów naukowych recenzowanych., 50.
  2. Сатторов, Ш. (2022). Geodetic works performed in topographic survey of cultural heritage monuments. Основные направления стратегии земельной реформы: проблемы и решения, 1(1), 220-231.
  3. Zulfiya, Y. (2016). Evolutional development of the genre of travel notes. European research, (10 (21)), 55-58.