Kiziltepa district Citizens of Toshmasjid neighborhood in the gathering located in the " Toshmasjid " complex of Uzbekistan Navoi province Kiziltepa district Wangozi in the town monument (XVI century ) Many columnar big from the room a single jome consisting of is a mosque . 2 large ones and 16 ones kind of small domes with closed .
Библиографические ссылки
- Kamola, R. THE CITY THAT COMPETED WITH NAUTAKA, BUKHARA AND MAROKANDA. Zbiór artykułów naukowych recenzowanych., 50.
- Сатторов, Ш. (2022). Geodetic works performed in topographic survey of cultural heritage monuments. Основные направления стратегии земельной реформы: проблемы и решения, 1(1), 220-231.
- Zulfiya, Y. (2016). Evolutional development of the genre of travel notes. European research, (10 (21)), 55-58.