
  • Madrakhimova Diyora Egambergan kizi Mamun University, Faculty of Economics and Humanities, 1st year student

Ключевые слова:

Sustainable development, gender equality, education system, equal opportunities, gender stereotypes, girls' education, BRM, gender justice, social development, educational content.


In this thesis, the possibilities of ensuring gender equality in the education system are analyzed within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals. Education is considered as an important means of achieving gender equality, issues of expanding educational opportunities for girls and women, eliminating gender stereotypes, and improving the content and methodology of education based on the principles of equality are discussed. The article analyzes the impact of ensuring gender equality on the education system, the difficulties encountered and ways to overcome them. Through this, the role and importance of education in achieving sustainable development in society is revealed.

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Madrakhimova, D. . (2024). SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS: OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROVIDING GENDER EQUALITY IN THE EDUCATION SYSTEM. Solution of Social Problems in Management and Economy, 3(9), 53–58. извлечено от