Development of pedagogical technologies in modern sciences <p>The Turkish open conference that publishes original research and review articles in a variety of fields. The main goal is to offer an intelligent platform for international scientists and to develop interdisciplinary research in applied sciences. Conference languages: turkish, Russian, english, Maldaski, Kazaқsha, o’zbek, limba romвnă, Kyrgyz tili, Հայերեն</p> en-US Development of pedagogical technologies in modern sciences SOCIAL STATUS OF DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS WITH HEARING PROBLEMS IN PRIMARY SCHOOL <p>The article studies the normative and legal foundations of the social situation in the development of students with hearing problems in primary school, its specificity, problems of the social situation in their development and the factors influencing them.</p> Shirin Rakhmatova Lobar Mirsobitova Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-06 2025-02-06 4 2 5 9 VOYAGA YETMAGANLARNING JINOIY JAVOBGARLIGIGA OID XALQARO STANDARTLARNING MILLIY QONUNCHILIKKA TA’SIRI <p>ushbu maqolada voyaga yetmaganlarning jinoiy javobgarligiga oid xalqaro standartlarning jinoiy javobgarlikdan yoki jazodan ozod qilishga oid milliy qonunchilikka ta’siri, shuningdek davlatimiz qonunchiligida ularning aks etgan normalari haqida batafsil ma’lumot berilgan.</p> Aysulu Ametova Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-06 2025-02-06 4 2 10 15 SOCIO-ECONOMIC, CULTURAL AND OTHER ASPECTS OF CHILDHOOD IN UZBEKISTAN. SOCIALIZATION OF BOYS AND GIRLS IN UZBEKISTAN <p>The article presents opinions on the differences in socialization of girls and boys. The impact of the father's absence in the family on children's socialization is highlighted.&nbsp; The processes of socialization between boys and girls in Uzbekistan are clearly demonstrated with concrete examples.</p> Gulbaxor Toxtasunova Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-07 2025-02-07 4 2 16 23 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TEACHING KARAKALPK LITERARY MATERIALS BASED ON BLOOM’S TAONOMY IN CLASSES WITH INSTRUCTION IN OTHER LANGUAGES (USING LYRIC AS AN EXAMPLE) <p>In this article, the effectiveness of teaching Karakalpak literature materials, including lyrical works, Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy in classes where education is conducted in languages other than the state language, was studied theoretical and practically.</p> Gulchexra Mambetova Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 4 2 24 29 THE MAIN TASKS OF THE OPERATIONAL EMPLOYEE IN EXPOSING THE CRIME OF FRAUD <p>The article describes the tasks and operational-search activities carried out by the operational units of the internal affairs bodies in exposing the crime of fraud.</p> Anvar Umurzakov Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 4 2 30 32