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This thesis explores the importance of communicative competence in students and examines strategies to enhance this crucial skill. Communicative competence is essential for effective communication in various contexts, including academic, professional, and social settings. This study aims to identify effective teaching methods and approaches that can be used to improve students' communicative competence. The research includes a review of relevant literature on communicative competence, as well as an analysis of various teaching strategies and their effectiveness in enhancing students' communicative skills. The findings suggest that interactive activities, authentic materials, task-based learning, and a focus on fluency can significantly contribute to improving students' communicative competence. Additionally, the role of technology, cultural awareness, and the teacher in fostering communicative competence are discussed. The implications of this research for educators and policymakers are also addressed, highlighting the importance of incorporating communicative competence development into curriculum planning and teacher training programs.

Ключевые слова

Communicative competence, language teaching, interactive activities, authentic materials, task-based learning, technology, cultural awareness, teacher role.


Библиографические ссылки

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