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In the ever-changing world of education, encouraging student involvement, motivation, and proficiency requires incorporating contemporary technologies into the teaching and learning process. This is especially relevant when instructing primary school pupils on speaking techniques. In addition to grabbing young learners' attention, the integration of cutting-edge tools and resources offers a dynamic and engaging platform for improving speaking skills.


Библиографические ссылки

  1. Asan H., Reitkerk-Sezgin Z. Effects of the educational games on primary school students’ speaking skills and speaking anxiety, Kuramas Eğitimbilim Dergisi [Journal of Theoretical Educational Science], 13(4), 2020.-700 p.
  2. Ibrahim A. Advantages of using language games in teaching English as a foreign language in Sudan basic schools. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS), 2017.-150 p.
  3. Jackson G. and McNamara D. The motivation and mastery cycle framework: predicting long-term benefits of educational games. In Y. Baek (ed): Game-Based Learning, Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2017.-121 p.
  4. Mubaslat M. The Effect of Using Educational Games on the Students’ Achievement in English Language for the Primary Stage. Online Submission, 2012.-20 p.
  5. Petri G. and Wangenheim C. G. How to evaluate educational games: a systematic. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2016. -1020 p.
  6. Steinkuehler C., Squire K., Barab S. Games, Learning, and Society: Learning and Meaning in the Digital Age. Cambridge University Press, 2012.-177 p